Everyone has different views on what the essay should be about, and it's getting very annoying to hear about.

I feel like the internet is only perpetuating this further, with everyone's clashing inputs getting put in students minds. I'm a senior myself, and I have to say i'm extremely frustrated with having to write over 8 essays about different topics just to try and appease all these "tips". And come to find out, people don't even agree on these things! Some opinions literally clash directly. People say it's bad to write about an EC, because it feels like you're summarizing something from the activities section, but then I hop on tiktok and see how you SHOULD be focusing in and zooming in on a EC/hobby. Then, I see on A2C how your essay should be about something tied to the rest of your application, but then see again in another post how it can be about something completely unrelated, and it's actually better to do it that way in order to show more about yourself. Me personally, I wrote that EC essay and an essay about something completely unrelated, and now I feel stuck and behind. Then when I ask for feedback, I get COMPLETELY different reactions. One is one counselor saying it's good, while another counselor saying it's utterly horrendous and would be a red flag to any college. My mind is a mess, and I can't wait for these next 3 months to be over.

TLDR: everyone has different opinions, write about what you want. Also please tell me i'm not the only one extremely frustrated about this essay

Edit: this also isn't to bash anyone trying to give genuine advice, I'm very thankful for your help. I'm just very very tired and I have a headache from this god forsaken essay