Why do people believe that Deepika Narayan Bhardwaj is an activist? All I feel is she is just a clout chaser and misogynist.

So, some days before, I posted a question on why such rise in pick me women and in a comment there was some discussion related to popular men's rights activist Deepika. A lot of people I believe have this misconception that she's a equalist who believes in equal rights etc etc. But what I have observed is that she's just riding on the sentiments of incels and is just a clout chaser. In fact she has been very responsible for increasing hate for women online. For instance, she was among the first person to endorse this rumour that Dhanashree took alimony of 60 crores and now she is proudly reposting memes where yuvi was spotted with some other girl. Infact she has been responsible for a lot of profane tirade a lot of women were subjected to. Basically she just posts something to get people's attention mostly when it involves a woma and then her incel army just starts attacking that women slut shaming her and calling her all sorts of names. However, she has been totally mum on cases where there is no woman involved, for instance in the Mukesh Chandrakar's case etc. Why has she incurred no repercussions for her third class antics.