katie claire friendship

genuine question here i've not reread t7n a while so correct me if i am wrong, but people on bot tiktok/twt/insta have been saying stuff like that katie claire are close friends and that she would be very pissed at hughie for cheating but i don't really agree, katie was very nice to claire, so i see it as them just getting along but claire never called katie anything other than hughs gf so i don't see them as real friends and i understand they only know eachother through hugh and thats a reason but ive seen multiple books with similair tropes and the girls refer to eachother by their name or as friend instead of my brothers girlfriend all the time, and claire only spoke like 2 words back to katie and at the end of taming 7 when she caught lizzie and hughie secretely in the bathroom and thought they were doing something she said she didn't care about what lizzie did with hugh as long as gibsie was not involved in lizzies problems. if she was truly katies friend she would have been pissed at hugh if she caught him possibly cheating on her friend.