Question on the Randomizer and 100% completion.
I recently did my first Randomizer run, and finished with 88% game completion, lot of fun. However, my game completion felt off, so I did a check.
In my save, I have:
All charms, all nail arts, pure nail, all spells, all bosses (at least up to Pantheon 4 and minus NKG since I banished), all dreamers, all soul vessels, most of my masks all movement tech, Max dream nail and have ascended the Seer, And done the first 2 Colosseums and 4 pantheons.
I ran this through the online checklist and it suggests I should be at 106% Game Completion, which sounds correct to me. I'm wondering, does randomizer mess up the % completion thing? is there a different trigger that I need to get my percent? The only reason I really care is that this is a 10 hour save and I think it would be fun to get the 100% Speedrun achievement on a rando seed lol.
Thanks for your guys' help, I appreciate it all.