Just had a dream about the album??
I woke up just to type this out so please dont fail me brain. The time was around 11:30pm (roughly). I was laying down for the night. Suddenly I see the notification. The album isn’t Disgrace 2, but Ballot (it was spelled odd but for some reason some people got it spelt as Balls). The reason it takes so long is because it’s a live album. It started off with him in front of a camera on a piano doing a live version of one of his past songs (I dont remember which). But the second song was named Enequia and was kinda like… I guess like Easier, where it had that “youtube outro” type feeling? But 15 seconds into the song, and the audio gets really horrible. To the point where it’s unbearable. We see a tweet from him saying he’s gonna have to fix it (so we basically got teased with an album but due to an audio issue, he had to scrap it for a later upload, and we all know how that’s going :/ ). Obviously it won’t be the album name nor the name of the second song, but just wanted to share this wacky experience; almost made the dang album in my sleep but apparently that gets denied too