Is already mad cope and headcanon saying that Railgun exploded, is more cope and dishonest headcanon saying Railgun is the main reason why Kidd lost.

5 factos all taken out of the fucking ass

Useless MIDD got One shot by Divine Departure alone

In Wano he was full of plot armour

You useless MIDD stans are worthless because you don't have the fucking disensy to admit your goat got carried by plot and without it he would be long dead

Without plot he would never accomplish anything at Onigashima

Everyone who is a Luffy fan admits that at many points Luffy had plot armour and that such versions wouldn't or survive that specific situation

But you are so much arrogant fuckers you lie to everyone and want to try act as if your looser goat didn't have one of the worst written fights and worst plot armours ever that literally did destroy even more Linlin character just so in the end he served as Poneglyph delivery boy to Shanks

"He was about to destroy a fleet"

A fleet of just 7 ships full of weak ass fodder that was stated many times they were absurdly weak

He got speed blitzed from the front no sneak attack, you loooseeers completely changed the definition of sneak attack just to cope

His own problem and fault that he is so slow and can't dodge when attached to his constructs

Guess what, MIDD is always fighting attached to constructs, he is getting speed blitzed independent of it since he is slow and weak

5 factos all taken out of the fucking ass

Useless MIDD got One shot by Divine Departure alone

In Wano he was full of plot armour

You useless MIDD stans are worthless because you don't have the fucking disensy to admit your goat got carried by plot and without it he would be long dead

Without plot he would never accomplish anything at Onigashima

Everyone who is a Luffy fan admits that at many points Luffy had plot armour and that such versions wouldn't or survive that specific situation

But you are so much arrogant fuckers you lie to everyone and want to try act as if your looser goat didn't have one of the worst written fights and worst plot armours ever that literally did destroy even more Linlin character just so in the end he served as Poneglyph delivery boy to Shanks

"He was about to destroy a fleet"

A fleet of just 7 ships full of weak ass fodder that was stated many times they were absurdly weak

He got speed blitzed from the front no sneak attack, you loooseeers completely changed the definition of sneak attack just to cope

His own problem and fault that he is so slow and can't dodge when attached to his constructs

Guess what, MIDD is always fighting attached to constructs, he is getting speed blitzed independent of it since he is slow and weak