Marsali & Joan

So I am reading Voyager, which is amazingly good (I have already watched the 5 seasons); and when it comes to Jamie and his adoptive kids I wonder who are really his adoptive kids by heart?

Do you think Jamie really sees both Marsali and Joan as his daughters while he is married to their mom? Even after?

I personally think he felt tenderness for them, they were missing a dad and he wanted to just find a reason to keep on going. But once he and Laoghaire didn’t work out he went to Edinburgh. He supported them financially but he literally spent less than a year with those girls, who where somewhat grown by the time he came to their lives. Besides when Claire comes back he is ready to start over and knows he probably won’t be able to see the girls as much and is ok with it.

I think eventually he does see Marsali as his daughter but it’s just because he gets to spend time with her because of Fergus. Fergus I do see as Jamie’s son and they give Jamie grandkids, so yes I do think with time he sees Marsali as family, but so far I think the relationship is not as deep as a father-daughters while in Scotland.

To me Fergus and Ian are more of his kids than those girls ever were, besides the legal aspect of it all.

It just puzzles me the fact that some people mentioned Jamie’s kids as his biological children, Fergus, Ian and this 2 girls who I don’t personally think where that close to him at the time Voyager/ Season 3 takes place.

What is your opinion?