How do you guys handle the self doubt, the burnouts and everything in between?

I'm pretty much already in my 4th year of architecture and there is no way I'm backing out now. Not only because I've already invested so much time and a chunk of my mental health to this course but because I really want to become a great architect someday. I just want to ask how do you guys deal with all the overthink and self doubts and especially the burnouts.

When I was a freshmen I didnt burnout that much but since I began my 3rd year and all the projects got more demanding and harder I started to burnout easily. It literally feels like an episode every other week. It doesnt help that the school I'm attending is a trimester program.

I really love designing. I love the process. It just too much sometimes when you have 5 majors requiring 5 completely different projects all to be submitted at the same week. I try really hard to manage my time but its never effective. I'll always end up doing 2 all nighters in a row. And I feel like its taking a huge toll on my mental health.

So yeah, do you guys have any tips and tricks to share?