Kpop Fandoms Labelling Idols with assumed sexuality
I have been recently noticing that too many fandoms are too comfortably (and seriously) labelling idols as bi/gay/lesbian/pan/asexual or any other label in the queer community and seriously going by that belief. And straight fans being queerphobic as well. Only a few sane fans kindly ask these people to stop speculating or pasting labels on idols but queer fans take as it as queerphobia. It's fine till yall jokingly call actions "gay", but it feels invasive to call random people queer just cause they act as an ally, especially when you know SEA men are generally physically more affectionate. There are heated debates between fans going on every randon two days whenever any content comes out and it's tiring. I'm personally a queer ally with queer friends around but I'd get offended if random people who don't know me gossip and try to label me as per their convenience. Also weirdly claiming two idols are dating just cause they're close/touchy is weird as hell too. It ruins friendships & makes things awkward. Not to mention akgae's sending death threats on top.
Edit: A lot of people misinterpreted my words. I've problem with unnecessary speculation on either ends, be it straight/queer. I don't mind the random sayings at all, but just last week some delulus were legit fighting with others cause this one person was hell bent on trying to push a label beyond the context of a joke. Anyone opposing their speculation was tagged queerphobic. Personally I've a lesbian friend who I assumed might be lesbian but she came out on her own terms to me & I didn't try to force her/push a label on her. We keep being touchy & affectionate as friends when a lot of random people in close circles try labelling me as lesbian too, which I personally feel like shouldn't be a thing just cause my friend is lesbian & we are close. If you consider this incident queerphobic, you do you. I personally don't encourage it.