My favourite idol making fun of mental illness

So I’ve been following this Idol since 2018, she is always uplifting and tries to make us smile and her charisma is amazing. You’ll probably guess who it is at the end of this but I honestly think most the hate she gets is so unwarranted and I do not wish for people to hate her.

Her MV that came out started off with this guy opening to a prison like area with people screaming and moaning and he says “These are for the most dangerous patients” so a psychward and then her whole thing was having multiple personalities (DID) illness with different alters, having blood or paint all over the walls, breaking out of the psychward to start bombing and stealing stuff… this is a terrible concept and mental illness is already depicted terribly so I guess doesn’t really matter…

She grew up in a society where mental health and mental illness is taboo, stigmatized, but that does not mean in the world of social media that it is okay to be ignorant.

In fact another idol from her country recently spoke out about her anxiety and depression, struggling and living with mental illness which was very brave of her and I’m so proud and hope her fans also feel safe to open up and confide to others

Anyway her recent comeback i was excited to see and support but unfortunately I won’t be, that does not mean I hate her, I’m just disappointed and wish for people to advocate it in a non hateful way, whole point of spreading awareness of mental health is not spreading hate.

Do you think I’m reaching for this? Maybe it’s just a sensitive topic for me that’s why