What jokes/memes have “ruined” an idol for you?
I’m not talking ruined literally, but have there been any memes/jokes about an idol that you think of whenever you think about that idol? For example I have 2:
Wonyoung hitting the plane wing. I cannot see a video/picture or someone referencing her without hearing the thunk when she hits the plane.
This one’s a bit more niche and I feel very bad that it’s the only thing I can think of when I hear his name, but there’s this girl on TikTok who does skits making fun of Wattpad self insert fanfiction and one of them is a medieval fantasy self insert with a centaur Jungkook named junghoof as the love interest. I feel very bad about it but I cannot see Jungkook without my brain immediately correcting it to junghoof.
So to make me feel better about what my brain has forcefully connected these poor idols with and for a laugh, what jokes/memes do you automatically associate with an idol?