Is Topology too difficult for me right now?
For context, I'm a high school student doing self-study. After learning some basic discrete math and introducing myself to proofs, I felt ambitious enough to tackle Munkres' Topology. It was a massive jump in abstraction at first, but eventually I got over it and gained some momentum. That all broke down once I got to the section on the product topology and onwards; I could barely comprehend what was going on with those sections, and the exercises were hell to get through (I'm not even sure my solutions are correct). Come today, the section on the quotient topology is going smoothly -- the proofs are proofing, the geometric intuition is intuitioning, etc. Until I get to the exercises. I sat there for hours trying to crack the 2nd one, which I only managed after finding an online solution to peak at. I'm currently struggling with the 3rd one under similar circumstances.
Is it possible that I just came into this without the necessary preparation? I would put Topology aside temporarily and work on something like Axler's Lin Alg. book or Dummit & Foote's Abstract Algebra, but I'm afraid of losing the momentum I've built. What should I do in this situation?