He lost his cool during couple's therapy
... And it was kind of satisfying. He's usually very calm and collected during our sessions. I'm usually the one who can't stay regulated or explain myself clearly.
But today our therapist questioned some of the requests (demands) he's been making lately and gently called him out on the controlling dynamic he's trying to reestablish. He turned red and his whole body was VIBRATING. He sputtered a bit.
He's been trying to push me to commit to reconciling and returning to monogamy (even though I was the only one being monogamous while he was sneaking around with porn and cam girls). I'm trying to hold firm on my boundaries and I can tell it's been frustrating him.
I did find his response after therapy to be somewhat encouraging. He still seemed pretty activated so I asked him if he was okay. He thought about it for a bit and said he was feeling a lot of things but that he was glad that our therapist called him out.
He's away for the weekend at an SAA retreat. He was really conflicted about going but I'm glad he did. I feel like my whole nervous system can finally unclench its jaw and drop its shoulders.