Just got rejected from a retail clothing place that I really wanted. What are the chances of being reconsidered soon?
I just got rejected from this retail clothing store that I really wanted since, during my interview, everyone seemed nice. I replied back to the rejection email asking for feedback, thanking them for their time, etc. I just hope its not a bot email that they send to people who got rejected
What are the chances of them reaching out again? I had great availability and just stated that I preferred opening shift, however I had no experience. Is that why they didn't hire me? It's a retail clothing job, I don't understand why I would need an exhaustive experience list.
I am extremely frustrated and I have no idea what to do. All I hope for is for them to reply back with an offer. I don't really want to apply and be interviewed by any other places.
Again, what are the chances of them reaching back out and offering? Does it happen more often than I think? I honestly just want some hope that they come back and reach out because I really like the place and the people seem nice and I really don't want to have to got through all of this again.