Women are only filled by emojis apparently
What does the “one” feel like?
Jason and Percy don't feel like friends [hoo]
Which Disney live version movie was your favorite and which one did you dislike?
I work a full time job but other than that have next to no obligations. If I start RIGHT NOW can I realistically be current by the time S6 goes live on April 8th?
Maybe how some girls work? But definitely not all?
Playing or does she feel threatened?
The fact a lot of men think like this
Manic Pixie Dream Girl Zoned
Snow's Favourite Outfits
This is disgusting
“Men are more sentient.”
This app is genuinely a misogynistic and transphobic shithole
If you got to choose a pureblood family to be in, which one and why?
I wonder where do all these sleepless zombies and coffee addicts come from...
Does it offended you when people associate Dominance with men and Submissiveness to women?
Genuinely curious
She’s a firefighter
What’s your Hogwarts Legacy opinion that’s going to have the community react like this?
What’s your Ted Lasso opinion that’s going to have the community react like this?
Unpopular opinion: Amelia was always problem, not Owen or the brain tumor.
As a lifelong Canadian, TRUMP CAN F*** ALL THE WAY OFF! 🖕🏻
Incels get happy over woman having pain after sex
An image that fills me with an indescribable amount of hatred and dread
What's Belle's curse name
I’m just overwhelmed by how much I love my voids. Show me your babies