Rem helps Subaru get in uniform
[Media] Rem helps Subaru get in uniform
Subaru and Rem comic
[Media] Drunk Rem and Emilia
Drunk Rem and Emilia
Enough time has passed
Rem vs thugs
[Media] Wedding dress Rem
Strongest 4kota characters
Rem and Ram fusion
Aura just runs in the family
Is season 3 a good adaptation?
If Subaru Truly Loves Emilia, Why Does His Heart Always Call for Rem? [Spoiler discussion]
Four knights of apocalypse chapter 185 spoilers
What do you think Sloth If Rem would want to see become of her twin sister had Ram impossibly survived?
[Meme] Middle age hits demons harder than saints I guess.
[oc] Since it got so much love i finished it lol.
[spoiler discussion] WIll she still love Subaru after getting her memories back?
Rem and Subaru
RMT, EMT and RMT (who’s your favourite out of these three)
Who had a better reason for being racist?
Will she get eventually (after her character development) her memories back? If yes, will she still love Subaru?
What would the second meeting between these two have been like?
After the new rezero episode