Tried mct oil last night. I could cry.
Seb Derm under control
Is getting a raspberry pi good for beginners learning python?
How do I build and program a sleep (quality) tracker?
Will I be UT or not?
Growing pains during the day
Can I still reach my height potential?
Why isn't anybody talking about Keep my spirit alive?
im sure it has been done before
My daughter (7) drew this for me in school, after finishing her work 🥰
All of my characters fashion <3 i went for an archangel look for most of them
tried my best rendition of a french knight. his name is todd, say hi to todd.
After so much pain in ranked, I finally can show off my drip. The plume is now mine. I have never felt such power as a Warden till now.
I don't know what to say, just... how? (Emblems, don't worry, I reported the fucker.)
What’s Your Favorite Track on MBDTF❓
kanye album covers mashup thing i made
Finished my First Build! (Description in Comments)
These aren't the best pictures, but it'll go. This is my first custom build so please be gentle, if you have any recommendations on what I could change, tell me:) Also the specs should be in the comments.
My newly adopted friend. I think he likes me
Completed my 3070 build, who else?
New (and first) build
Am I the only one who thinks this?
Awaiting 3070 😍
I spwnt way to long thinking of this