Favorite LaTex editors? Time for an update
Kurutoga collection
Math Professor at My School Claims to Have Solved the Twin Primes Conjecture
Favourite shading diamine inks?
Patterns related to taking (mod N) on 'sum of numbers'. Where can I read more about these?
How different would math be if humans could visualise 4, 5, or higher dimensions
Ideas for Math-related Projects in Haskell
Greatest openings in classical music
Should I give up?
Mods are asleep, upvote Br*hms
Don't feel smart enough to do really well in mathematics
Is Topology too difficult for me right now?
What’s the most beautiful piece of classical music you’ve ever heard?
Favourite Happy Pieces?
The only valid composer tier list
Young People in Classical Music
what is the most overrated classical piece in your honest opinion?
Favorite works featuring the French horn?
Bodyweight Leg Exercises that aren't squats.
What are your thoughts on the new icons? Do you think the invite-to-quality ratio is good?