a kpop idol who you genuinely think is a visual card but isn’t hyped about it?
What is the WORST and the BEST Kpop concert you've been to and why?
Fiancé painted and did the trim in our kitchen. I don't like it, he says I'm just a hater. Thoughts?
Australia wants to offer Trump 'deal he can't refuse' after US slaps Australia with tariffs
“How is this surviving, when I feel like I am dying?” Yunjin’s weverse letter
What's your K-pop anthem?
Thoughts on 8TURN: can they still make it big?
Is my (ex)boyfriend’s behavior really THAT bad or I was just not sexually attracted to him?
Songs that you thought were gonna be freaky, but turned out to be EVEN FREAKIER?
Random Itzy appreciation: "Mr Vampire", "None of my business" are underrated
Just a general kpop rant
whose Idol has the best pink hair?
what is one kpop meme that lives in your brain, rent free
8TURN - Leggo
8TURN live singing skills are soo good and people are still sleeping on them?