Once Upon a Time In Hollywood Is Without a Doubt Quentin Tarantino’s Most Polarizing Film and All Your Comments Are Gonna Prove So
If Vecna chose you as his next victim, what song would save you?
Stranger Things Season 2 and Season 3 Are The MOST Overhated Things On The Internet! And For Me They’re On The Exact Same Par As Seasons 1 and 4!
I Feel Like This Show Doesn’t Get As Much Attention As It SHOULD
Talk About the Definition of Underrated
What Is a TV Show That Deserves A LOT More Attention
Is this the greatest movie of the 80's?
Am I the Only One That Actually Like Superman III?
Is there any 3rd film in a trilogy that comes close to The Good, The Bad and The Ugly?
Am I the Only One That Actually Likes Superman III?
Am I the Only One That Actually Likes Superman III
Not Only The Most Underrated Show From Stephen King But Also THE MOST Underrated Show Of All Time
What's a Movie That Blew You Away But no one Talks About??
What mediocre (or terrible) movie had an awesome soundtrack? Way more than the movie deserved.
How big of a role do you think Eleven’s lost sister Kali will play in the final season?
What movie genre do you feel has been overdone, and what would you do to refresh it?
First movie you think of when you see Robin Williams
What's the first movie that you think of when you see Matthew Lillard?
What's a supposed bad movie that you like well enough to defend it without hesitation?
The MOST Underrated Climax In Cinema History