In terms of overall potential
Bully movie has been deleted
Iggy claims Ye sends his dick to other men
i’m gonna be blunt af. FUCK KANYE. i don’t fuck with him at all but calling Drake the f-word is disgusting
I need to convince him on Twitter to edit JIK to drop the lMAX version of Jesus is Lord on the album
what WAS your favorite tweet since the “incident” started?
Carti gotta be holding these reviewers hostage or sumn because this rushed slop is NOT this good
We didn’t realize how good we had it 🥀
Kanye Didn't Listen To Diddy smh
I just listened to Closed on Sunday live for the first time, this is a genuine masterpiece 😭
Kanye is starting to post quotes that actually make sense on his X 🤔🤔
This song sounds so tame now in comparison
I need help finding this Ye song with a lyric stuck in my head, I’ve been looking for it for 3 days
Most people don’t even know that Ye has been ranting non-stop on X for the past month
Fanmade bully album tell me what you think
People who also preordered the vinyl, what are we going to do…
Ye’s best song performed live
Takashi Murakami throws out first pitch of LA Dodgers v Yomiuri Giants baseball match in Japan while wearing his custom-designed kit
Did he ever perform a live version of “On God” with the Sunday Service Choir during JIK era?
This new snippet is actually so beautiful
I AM MUSIC is more like I AM MID
After a few hours of work, made this complete ranking of every song in his discography in order
All of the JIK criticism leaving my body as soon as I actually listen to the album
Introducing the GoodAssSub “Ye March Madness” Tournament!
What hilarious Ye lines never get talked about?