What do you find the easiest class to use?
Umoria Color is back!
Is there a game like this, but more like UMoria? Return to town to buy and sell... Scrolls of recall...?
[marvel] is ghost rider’s penance stare only effective against people who’ve committed physical crimes ?
What character is 100% screwed if they lose their weapon
Windows: Assigning special functions for keys
My GF has PTSD, how can I take care of my mental health?
I just don't believe
can the KGB get rid of Goku
Thoughts about why my US self immensely respects the UK (particularly her military history and tradition).
What if the US stopped just "supporting" Ukraine, and went went balls-to-the-walls all-in?
Goku vs Professor Xavier
If an alien from a 30g planet crash lands on Earth, can it become a real-life superhero?
Making Amends & Not 100% Agreeing with Sponsor
Need some help
[Marvel Infinity War] How does Tony's suit fit into his reactor?
My Heart Rat
[T2] How long and far could have John, Sarah, and the T-800 have avoided the T-1000 if Sarah hadn't gone rogue?
Has any parent here allowed their child to take rats to "show-and-tell"?
Who are the best basketball players of all time?
Larry Bird vs. Michael Jordan
[Spiderman] Is it possible to have spider sense irl?
Who would win? Canada, Mexico, EU, UK, and 1/4 of US vs Russia and 3/4 of US
What is your biggest pet peeve on a traffic stop?
Pippi Longstocking vs. Jason Vorhees