What’s the best way to find roommates?
rejected gt EA
Ignoring Heimerdinger, who's the top 5 smartest characters?
Got in with 25k scholarship, but was put in exploratory studies instead of aerospace engineering
Dreamt up an entire series like Arcane
Georgia tech Industrial engineering
People who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom: what is wrong with you
Mine are 😂🌷🌸😉🤯😚
Day 4 Of Getting Every County In America
Software for Quizbowl and General Study
How will Kamala Harris die?
I love ____ more than my entire family
Would you please stop _________ in public?
LIER! ______ are DISGUSTING!
Reduced schedule senior year but still in AP classes?
Physics or Aerospace Engineering?
Should I email the NYU admissions office because I reported the wrong number of SAT scores that I want to submit
There are _______ genders.
the only things making life worth living :)
I don't like dark souls 1
Just started playing a couple days ago but I think I got a little bit OP...
AP precalc is difficult
Should I take AP Euro and APUSH over Lang and Lit since I enjoy history more?
Seals fight like cats