Where can I get baptized in Chicago ?
Manager posts the schedule super late
What is your store having the temporary hires help with?
What customers see
Get it together CVS
Work Schedule
Dominos workers, what happens to all the cheese that falls below the grates? Is it all just thrown out?
Gluten Free Pocky/Cookies?
Am I the only employee who doesn’t go on lunch break because I hate having that 30 minutes break up my hours?
Has anyone FS been drug tested recently?
Old uniforms
Store Associate to Store Associate Rx
what happens if your LOA is denied?
Not scared of driving itself but…
Forcing you to transfer
[OC] Halloween painting
I’m sorry but did anyone else get these?
Anxiety medications that arnt Benzos but work just like them?
cross training
how many hours do you have to work to get a lunch break?
Employee Discount?
Keep it up; it's working.
Tom E: Break Time Enforcer
[OC] Himbs Fluffy~