Well, yeah, we would all feel a lot safer if you were further away.
If you had to choose an actor from these to play Joker who would you pick?
Smokin’ some MacDennis
What is your favourite celebrity guest that plays themselves?
What film(s) are you going with?
How bad?
Unpopular opinion: Deangelo Vickers should've stayed boss after Michael left.
What is real?
You have $15 to start a bar. Pick one from each category.
One of the funniest lines in the show.
Tiktok is a goldmine at times
Which crew would you roll with?
this is on my arm☹️
Here’s my new “tattoo” on my prosthetic leg. What do ya think?
Greatest city in the world
You like ass play? He’ll do anything with the ass
I don’t have anything useful to say I just wanted to post this.
Oops!......I (47) did it again 🤭 I don't care if I'm too old for this haircut, I like it.
Who is your favorite RECURRING character?
Everyone remembering to drink they're milk? (Milk check)