stephanie hsu should have won
Realistically, how bad is the snapdragon 7s
"People Only Hate Me Because I Am a Deadly Threat to the Woke Mind Parasite and the Humans It Controls," Says Elon After Firing Over 62,000 Federal Employees
Nothing phone 3(a) or?
I am actually convinced that Roaring Moon is too broken for OU.
"Big/small d### energy"
Back stronger than ever.
Can someone explain why my friend rants and raves about Techncian?
What’s happening in the United States can happen anywhere. Your country is NOT immune.
What I didn’t understand in linear algebra
"gal gadot posts are boring" "enough with the gal gadot posts"
Gen Z is completely lost
you know someone is a good actor when they can make a characater so hateable
Da Milano al resto d’Italia, le ronde di picchiatori “anti-maranza” si organizzano su Telegram: «La violenza si combatte con altra violenza»
Winners of the 2025 Sony World Photography Awards
Eurocamera, approvata la risoluzione sulla difesa e piano riarmo. Pd diviso, FdI a favore. No di Lega, M5S e Avs.
I hate pi day
I see more posts hating on incels than actual incel posting
Maranza catturato e pestato a Milano. “Siamo ronde anti maranza”
I hate how those “is okay to leave my broke cheating wife in poverty” stories
establish understanding
Pentagono censura l’aereo bombardiere di Hiroshima Enola Gay: “Il nome richiama all’omosessualità”
Mini case, a Milano 15 mq in affitto a 3.700 euro al mese (e la Sardegna le abolisce): quali sono le regole per l’abitabilità
This AI is so funny
What moment in Drag Race for you prompted THIS reaction?