Tribute to my kitty Kimchi. Chronological order of her growing. She passed yesterday just weeks before her first birthday.
Update: Can little kitties send signs from heaven? For Shadow (17)
Jenna Ortega walked past me this morning at Disneyland
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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills - Season 14 - Episode 14 - Live Episode Discussion
Cat makes pathetic sad eyes at our dinner every night-- how to help him with food insecurity?
Had to put down 5month Kitten Figaro
How do you dechonk and not lose your mind?
Cat at the door!
Was love at first sight. Both rescued a year apart. Smudge the bigger boy, Bobbie the smaller girl. She has no tail or ears.
Anybody else’s cat obsessed with disney movies?
This is my heart, Princess Mononoke
Separating Cats
Close to 3 in 10 Ontarians plan to vote strategically in upcoming election, new Nanos survey finds
Who are you voting for on February 27th and why?
Mazy (16) is an hour away from eternal pain relief
New *electric* snowblower
Missing our Tux...two weeks of vet care and it would not resolve. We are heartbroken. He was the best cat ever.
Places for 7 month old baby
What could be causing this?
A Decade of Disney without Any Visitors.
Does Carthay Circle have any vegetarian entrees?
Adopted a kitten in Valentine’s Day and she died today.
Vet Recommendation
Be careful of scammers offering a “portrait” of your cat.