Beyler iktidar ekrem imamoğlunu tutuklasa ya da aday olmasını engellese 2028 de napcaz
yorumlar elon muskın arama geçmişi
Mekanda yaşanan saçmalıklar
Question about M1 math
What do you think about this qs guys ?
Why was Practice 7 so hard?
Aim for the 650
i need to score at least a 650 in the english section and i have 4 days.
How do you do these questions
sat math help
Extreme quality...
How accurate practice test 9 is ?
LGBTİ+’lar, Medeni Kanun ve Ceza Kanunu’nda yapılması öngörülen değişikliklerle hedefte
Eğer Bir Zaman Makineniz Olsaydı,Hangi Zamana Giderdiniz?
pls help me about this inference question
I need 700+ in English. HELPPP
What's your take? This question's tearing people apart. It's a twin/doppelganger of a question from QB.
Actually hate English bruh
Ambiguous wording in a math question
what yall think
Give me tips on how to improve. Not too worried about math.
is this a legit progress?
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