Duet with bobby, bigbrev and peter on misty mountains (added g#1, e1 and eb1 subs)
Requesting Advice as a Beginner in Subharmonics
2nd false sub is easy but the 3rd one is tougher
Practiced a Lot to have bassy subs
Clean a1 second sub (false)
I'm confuse between False Fold Subs And True Fold Subs, Can anyone please explain me?😅😅
Any tip of how i can make My subs more bassy??
I don't know how i managed but my very 1st stable C1
Here's My weak eb1 (lowest sub note i can reach kinda stable cuz My c1 is very unbalanced)
Tried smth to test my F1, lowest i can go is eb1 with a little of kargyraa