What immediately tells you that a person wasn't raised right?
I'm in my 30s and sometimes I get called a 'kid' by older folks. Is this a generational thing?
Why do more women enjoy watching murder documentaries than men? or do lots of men actually enjoy watching those too?
Which “unconventionally” attractive celebrities do you find hot/sexy?
If Biden hadn't run in 2020, who would have been the likely democratic nominee?
Ah yes sue the company because of your weight
What’s your favorite Scarlet Witch look and costume in the MCU?
SNW S3- when?!?!
Should we see Sarek again in Strange New Worlds, or is canon more important?
Anyone finding themselves seldom telling their adult children about the difficulties of the aging process ?
Perceptions Of Perfection Part II: What The ‘Ideal’ Male Body Looks Like Across 19 Countries- the USA has the highest obesity rate of these countries yet the ideal is the most ripped/muscular. Is the ideal in the USA completely devoid of reality or perhaps the rest have low ideal standard?
Trump acts aggressively to enact his far-right agenda while Democrats sheepishly push paper, waste time & glorfiy "process & norms"
Which celebrities (male or female) praised by the media for being hot you don’t find attractive at all?
When do people start treating you differently because of age?
Obese woman sues Lyft because driver states his car was too small for her. Her lawer argues refusing to transport her is the same as "Refusing to transport someone based on their race or religion."
What’s your biggest stress now?
Where do people seem to get all there money from?
Saint Luigi, our hero
The biggest criminal of humanity?
Do people on the left sincerely believe Elon is a Nazi?
What is this style called?
Why are Doppelstabmattenzäune not popular in the US like they are in Europe? Cheap, durable for decades, easy DIY install and maintenance
An American teen from the 1950s is transported to 2025. How do you think they’ll adjust and how long will it take?
My children have left it too late to have babies and I’m bitterly disappointed
So what is next for him?